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Outdoor Spaces / Versteel

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for well-ventilated, healthy spaces. For all the challenges and frustrations the pandemic has uncovered, we are now presented with an opportunity to rethink school and work environments entirely. Now the trend is shifting to bringing the classroom and office outside.

By offering a patio or pavilion area with tables, chairs, whiteboard and storage, you create an innovative alternate for an engaging, productive environment. Add in power outlets and WiFi to stay connected and get work done. Answering the demand for outdoor-compatible furniture, Versteel provides solutions for two outside sheltered scenarios: Pavilion for semi-permanent or long-term use; and Pop-Up for temporary or day-only set ups.

Perceived Benefits of Outdoor Spaces
Increased productivity
Greater confidence
Encourage safe communal spaces
Stimulate creativity and collaboration
Improve wellness
Reduce stress
Provide flexible spaces
Promote learning and brain development

© 2021  by jacklyn nicole

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